What is this project about?
Thank you for your interest in our citizen science project. We want to make an interactive map of the microbiome under our feet as part of our public engagement project “Antibiotics under our feet”.
We are funded by a ScotPEN Wellcome Trust Award to Dr Clarissa Melo Czekster at the University of St Andrews. Clarissa started her research group here in 2018 working on finding new treatments for cancer and infectious diseases. As well as students and researchers from the University of St Andrews, our project partners include Fife Council, The James Hutton Institute and the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow.
We need your help!
By taking part in our project, you can provide schools and researchers with valuable data about our soil. Your patch of ground can be your garden, allotment, communal outdoor space by your door…maybe it is a little patch, maybe a big one…we would like to hear about it. Drop a “pin” on the map to tell us about your patch and upload a photo or drawing. Record environmental data about your patch of ground, if you can, to answer the survey questions.
By providing us with valuable data points for our map, you will be helping build a map full of useful environmental information for learners to explore. We would love to find out about your patch of ground wherever you are in the world!
Kit boxes can be borrowed from STEM Ambassadors Scotland: email [email protected]

Need inspiration for your comment? Your patch of ground learning activity is available for free download
Look at our digging deeper section to find out more about our pilot study, how did we decide what to measure and record, what data will we measure and record, why soil colour is important (and how to record it). Watch the videos made by our iGEM undergraduate students to find out what we do with your soil samples.
Latest kit box instructions for soil collection and data gathering (available for free download)
Find it on Figshare: Antibiotics under our feet: instructions for soil data gathering
Kit boxes can be borrowed from STEM Ambassadors Scotland: email [email protected]